Updated 2021
I. Name
The name of this organization shall be: The Society of Retired Professors and Administrators.
II. Purpose
The purpose of this Society shall be to encourage and promote the common interest of its members, to provide for social and intellectual interaction among them, and to serve as a clearinghouse for information concerning University policies of interest to the group.
III. Membership
A. The following shall be eligible for membership upon application to the Council:
- All Washington University faculty 65 years of age or older of any rank and of any department or school.
- Retired officers of the administration who have served at Washington University for at least ten years.
- The surviving spouse or partner of any of the above.
B. Individuals who have offered exceptional service to Washington University through quasi-university organizations such as Women’s Club, W Club, etc., may become Honorary dues paying Members of the Society.
C. Membership shall begin upon the organization receiving an application letter that includes name, University position, and contact information
D. In April of each year the secretary shall attempt to obtain from the appropriate administration officer of Washington University the names of all eligible retirees and shall send each of them a letter with appropriate information about the Society and an invitation to join.
IV. Meetings
Regular meetings of the membership shall be held once a month except in June, July, and August. Unless otherwise arranged, these meetings shall include luncheon at the Washington University Faculty Conference Center (or other suitable place), followed by a social/intellectual program with a speaker or topic of interest or a business session.
The spouse or a friend of a member of the Society may be invited by the member to be his or her guest at any luncheon meeting of the Society.
V. Executive
A. The principal decision-making body of the Society shall be the Executive Council, to be made up of the following:
- Nine Councilors, three to be elected by the Society members each year, for rotating three-calendar-year terms.
- A Treasurer, who shall have responsibility for collecting dues, keeping financial records, and dispensing funds of the Society.
- An Archivist, who shall preserve the Society’s records and other official papers. He or she shall receive relevant materials from each successive officer at the end of their terms of office and shall deposit the papers for perpetual preservation in the Washington University Archives, in accordance with an arrangement effected in 1980-81. Retrieval of needed materials shall be the joint responsibility of the Society’s Archivist and the Archivist of Washington University.
- The President-Elect/Secretary.
- The President.
- The Immediate Past President.
B. The Society members shall select annually at their December meeting from among past or present members of the Council a President-Elect/Secretary (a joint office) who shall serve for one year and who shall then succeed the President in that office. As Secretary, the incumbent shall handle correspondence with the members and others and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Council. As President-Elect, this person shall carry on the functions of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President.
C. The President shall serve for a period of one year, shall preside over all meetings of the membership and the Council, shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, and shall perform such other functions as are delegated to him/her by the members.
D. The Council shall conduct its business at meetings held before each regular membership meeting, and more frequently if called to do so by the President.
VI. Committees
The President, with the approval of the Council, may appoint standing or ad hoc committees from the membership at any time.
VII. Elections
A. Every November, the Council shall submit to the membership a slate consisting of at least one member willing to serve in each office falling vacant at the end of the calendar year. In addition, any group of three members may submit an additional nominee for any office if the nomination is received before the November meeting.
B. The election of Council Members and officers shall take place at the regular December meeting. Voting for any office for which there are two or more nominees shall be by secret ballot.
C. If, by reason of disability, change of residency, resignation, or other cause, a vacancy of one or more officers or Councilors shall occur before the end of the stated term, the Council shall by majority vote appoint a successor who shall serve until the next election.
VIII. Other Activities
The officers or the Council may conduct other activities that are consistent with the purposes of the Society but that are not specifically mentioned by the Constitution.
IX. Amendments
Proposed amendments to the constitution may be submitted to the membership by the Council or any group of three members at any regular meeting. The amendments shall be considered adopted if approved by a majority of those voting at the following regular meeting.